A new trailer for the show recently premiered at the Las Vegas Open gaming convention and has now hit YouTube – check it out below!
Although this will be the first licensed TV series in franchise history, Angels Of Death isn’t actually the first 40K foray into animated space marines on film, following the Ultramarines movie released back in 2010.
Stay tuned for more info on the release of Angels Of Death – does the trailer have you stoked to see more?
On the video game front, the Games Workshop license has been as prolific as ever over the past year. Ship to ship combat RTS Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2 came out in early 2019 and was followed by action RPG title Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Prophecy.
A new version of Necromunda Underhive Wars is also currently in the works, although it missed a planned 2019 release date.
On the fantasy front, the Warhammer tabletop war game recently saw a universe shakeup as the series rebooted with the Age Of Sigmar line.