Anil Nagar, Deputy Secretary, Public Service Commission, was gotten with Rs 1.8 crore in Haryana by the Vigilance group. The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) took this cash for the sake of breezing through the Dental Surgeon test on September 26, 2021.

In any case, the Vigilance Department had been educated with regards to the unsettling influences and had captured the three suspects, including the Deputy Secretary. In Haryana, the Manohar Lal government has an ideal record of guaranteeing government occupations.

Notwithstanding, the Vigilance group has uncovered far and wide debasement in the work environment. Cautiousness had obtained data about legal test anomalies. Cautiousness set up a gathering and worked in mystery.

Anil Nagar will be charged by public law since he was captured in the occasion of taking cash for the sake of finishing a dental test.

As per Haryana, The State Vigilance Bureau’s various capacities incorporate Criminal instances of defilement, cheating, and misrepresentation answered to it by the Haryana government for examination. Attacks are utilized to catch degenerate government workers. Completing cautiousness examinations was alluded to it by the Haryana Government’s Vigilance Department.

Anil Nagar doesn’t have a Wikipedia page. We can see him on the web since he has been highlighted in the media. There could be no additional data accessible with regards to Anil Nagar. Anil is the Haryana Public Service Commission’s, Deputy Secretary.

— prabhu razdan (@PapharanNag) November 18, 2021

Based on the data, Anil Nagar was captured, and the Vigilance group documented a FIR and looked, getting Naveen Kumar, an inhabitant of locale Bhiwani, in the act while taking a money amount of Rs 20 lakh. On November 18, he showed up in court and was put on remand for four days. At the point when the team squeezed Pradeep, he conceded that the cash was planned for Anil Nagar.

Anil is the Haryana Public Commission Service Officer’s, Deputy Secretary. Anil has all the earmarks of being very watchful with regards to his own life, as he has made no notice of his profit. Since he wishes to keep his own life hidden, there is next to no data on Anil Nagar.

His total assets as an agent secretary is assessed to be somewhere in the range of Rs.35000 and Rs.40000. The Public Commission Service Officer is his essential kind of revenue.