The game takes place in modern Japan (of course) at Shujin High School, revolving around the lives of a few high school students with powerful gifts of sorts. These gifts are acquired through a particular incident that each student experiences at some point in their day-to-day lives. Then the students, disguised in masks and costumes like superheroes, use their powers to overcome trials and tribulations in their daily lives. Ordinary situations in real life become extraordinary occurrences in Persona 5.

The main character is a high school sophomore whose persona is that of a phantom thief named Arsene. Arsene has black wings and mask-like face with a top hat. Characters like Arsene and his friends can battle against foes in dungeons, which have various traps awaiting them.

There’s no official release date yet, but it’s slated for sometime in 2015. For more information about Persona 5, check out their official website.