A new twitter account called @femfreakE3 claims credit for them.

The poster in question labels features a black and white photo of Sarkeesian’s face, with the label ‘Fem Freak’ in bold text.  This is accompanied by the caption ‘All your tropes are belong to us, honey’.  

Printed all across the background is the GamerGate hashtag, in light gray text.

As was intended, they did not go unnoticed.  These posters have already sparked a good deal of new criticism of GamerGate.

IGN Editor Mitch Dyer is one of those speaking out.

But was it really GamerGate?

There is also an ongoing discussion about whether this was actually the work of GamerGate supporters.

While some seem to be in favor of the posters, many GamerGate supporters condemn the person responsible.

Some even argue that these posters are a ‘false flag operation’ meant to garner sympathy for Sarkeesian.

An outside party?

It is even possible that this was the work of an outside party with completely unrelated motivations.

Game journalist Oliver Campbell points out that it could be an advertising campaign, riding on the sensationalism for attention.

In addition, an article on Destructoid made the claim that a group called Unsavory Agents was behind the posters and that:

The latter statement was subsequently retracted as it was unsourced.  In addition, while Unsavory Agents does exist, their work seems to be predominantly politically based, and they do not seem to have any affiliation with video game related issues.

Overall it is still unclear what motives drive the party behind these posters. However, there seems to be a general consensus that it was in exceedingly poor taste.

What’s your take on this? Who do you think may be responsible? Let us know in the comments below!